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Continuous School Improvement Plan

Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.

This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.

School Profile Information

School: Orchard View Elementary School
Principal: Michael Dardaris
Enrollment: 464

School Vision Statement

An innovative community where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students.

School Mission Statement

We believe that all children should be given every opportunity to reach their fullest potential.  Our purpose is to provide quality instruction of mastery of basic skills, and development of higher level thinking skills.  We will ensure that students, parents, teachers, and school administrators work together to nurture the growth and progress of our children in order that they become productive citizens.  This will be achieved by adjusting curriculum to fit the needs of all students and by using a variety of teaching strategies and programs to reach every child.

Goal #1

By May 2025, unadjusted science scores will show a 10% reduction in the failure rate, and all teachers will implement high-quality science instruction, as evidenced by Science SOL scores, SCOT tool observations, lesson plans, and common science unit assessments. 

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

SCOT Science Instruction Enhancement Initiative

  • We are pleased to announce the launch of the SCOT Science Walkthroughs, an initiative aimed at collecting data on the quality of our science instruction and the alignment of our curriculum. This effort is critical in ensuring that our educational practices meet rigorous standards and engage students effectively.
  • In support of instructional effectiveness, we have introduced common formative and unit assessments. These assessments serve as key tools for tracking student progress and identifying areas for improvement, closely aligning with our curriculum objectives.

Collaborative Team Planning

Our grade level teams, in partnership with instructional coaches, are actively engaged in collaborative planning sessions. These discussions focus on several pivotal areas:

  • Standards Implementation: Ensuring that instructional strategies are in strict accordance with established educational standards.
  • Pacing: Strategically planning the pace of instruction to optimize student learning outcomes.
  • Tier 1 Explicit Instruction: Prioritizing high-quality, direct instructional methods.
  • FOSS Materials Utilization: Implementing Full Option Science System (FOSS) materials to enhance hands-on learning experiences.
  • HQIM Employment: Leveraging High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) to integrate scientific and engineering practices effectively. 

Through these comprehensive efforts, we are committed to creating a dynamic and robust science education program that exceeds educational standards and fosters a deeper understanding of scientific concepts among our students.



Goal #2

By May 2025, unadjusted 3-5  SOL reading scores will show a 10% reduction in the failure rate and K-2 VALLS will reflect 90% of students in the low to moderate risk band.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Strengthening Instructional Practices Across Our School

We are committed to enhancing the quality of education through deliberate planning, collaboration, and data-driven strategies. Here are the latest initiatives:

Collaborative Team Planning

Our educators are now engaging in twice weekly team planning sessions with instructional coaches, focusing on:

  • Standards Implementation: Ensuring teaching methods align with educational standards.
  • Pacing: Carefully planning the pace of instruction to maximize student learning.
  • High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM): Utilizing top-tier resources to support effective teaching practices.

Structured Planning Agendas

To enhance the effectiveness of our team planning sessions, we have introduced structured agendas. This approach ensures that all discussions are purposeful and aligned with our educational goals.

Literacy Walks

We have initiated Literacy Walks in all classrooms across every grade level. These walks are designed to observe and support literacy instruction, providing valuable data and promoting best practices school-wide.

Phonics Programs Development

Our phonics instruction is in progress, guided by well-researched frameworks such as LETRS, Orton-Gillingham (OG), and Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) phonics plans. These programs are tailored to improve students’ reading and writing skills through proven methodologies.

Monthly Data Meetings

Starting in November, we will hold monthly data meetings to analyze student performance. These meetings will help us develop targeted interventions and strategies to ensure every student achieves their full potential.



Goal #3

  1. In the 2024-25 school year,  OVES will administer a staff survey to measure teacher perception of collective impact on student success. This will be achieved through the implementation of targeted professional development, structured collaborative planning, coaching, and feedback.  (a target increase will be identified when the baseline is established)
  2. In the 2024-2025 school year, all OVES students (and grade level teams) will set, and meet, an academic goal related to an academic area of need.
Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On track

Advancing Educational Excellence through Strategic Initiatives

Our commitment to educational excellence is reflected in the following key initiatives:

Professional Learning for Staff

We have prioritized professional learning (PL) for all staff, emphasizing high-quality instructional materials (HQIM), data-informed decision-making, and evidence-based practices. These sessions aim to equip our educators with the skills and knowledge needed to enhance student learning outcomes.

Collective Efficacy Team

The vision of this initiative is being implemented through our leadership team and the School Improvement Team, ensuring comprehensive and cohesive efforts.

Administrative Support and Expectations

Administrators have clearly communicated expectations regarding the use of HQIM across all content areas. To support this, they have delivered professional learning opportunities and allocated targeted time for staff to learn about effective implementation. This ensures that HQIM is integrated seamlessly into our teaching practices.

Implementation and Evaluation

The established expectations are being actively implemented through meticulous lesson plan reviews, classroom walkthroughs, faculty meetings, and coaching cycles. These methods ensure consistent application and allow for continuous feedback and improvement.

Structured Collaboration

We have instituted structured time, regular routines, and consistent protocols for collaborative lesson preparation and reflection. This approach involves all stakeholders, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and shared accountability in our educational practices.


The OVES PBIS team convenes monthly with the steadfast purpose of deliberately and consistently implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). These meetings are essential to our mission of cultivating a positive and inclusive school environment. Through collaborative efforts, we align our strategies to effectively meet the behavioral and emotional needs of our students, ensuring their continuous growth and success within our vibrant school community.



Goal #4

By June, 2025, school-level MTSS structures and supports will be fully developed and initiated, as measured by TFI data.

Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 Not started
  • Monthly “Community Assemblies” are held on different topics and focuses. Teacher activities have also been planned for teachers to incorporate into their lessons.
  • September’s theme was “helpful” - teachers were provided cards to hand out to students for “caught being helpful.” The assemblies’ topics were developed by the PBIS committee who brainstormed ideas with the counselors to identify “needs-based” areas.
  • October’s focus was on self-control. The “stop, think, choose” strategy was deliberately taught and implemented using visuals that were distributed to all teachers to implement in the classroom as well as large signage in the main hallways.
  • Behavior monitoring has been implemented using a common format for all teachers to submit improving data collection.


For more information about Orchard View Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.

Quarterly Events

  • OVES Curriculum Night, September 12, 2024, 5:30 - 7 p.m.
  • OVES Title I Night, November 12, 2024, 5:30 - 7 p.m.
  • OVES Disability Awareness Night, January 2025, 5:30 - 7 p.m.